VALLE DOLCE, a secret, romantic hide-away surrounded by a lush green landscape, yet very close to the blue waters of the Adriatic sea, this is where our unique lodge is located: in one of the last authentic best-kept-secrets of Italy: Abruzzo!
A gem we think you should discover by yourself; come explore and unwind at the same time, book your stay with us and we bet you'll fall for this place just as we did.

Our valley is covered in vineyards (this is winecountry!), alternated with olivegroves and some wild patches. In spring the area is full of wild flowers (fancy orchids), attracting many species of bees and other insects, so important for pollination. Some small streams down below make for a green surrounding also in summer and we share the area with a variety of wild life. Wild boar, badger, porcupine and lots of birds that are regulars or just touch down for summer, like bee-eaters and the oriolus oriolus.
VALLE DOLCE means gentle slope but also sweet valley and that is exactly what we want for our guests: doing sweet nothing, in our sweet grove....
On our land we have some 100 olive trees; we harvest the olives ourselves and bring them to the local mill, to produce our house EVO oil. Another small part is preserved and of the oil we produce our own soap. The "raccolta" is in October, after the grape harvest and is our happy time....
Another special time all around Valle Dolce is the "vendemmia", the period of the picking of the grapes (Montepulciano d'Abruzzo, Peccorino, Trebbiano) for the local wine. Our neighbouring farmers are busy on the fields, starting end of August throughout September and into October; the whole area gets feverish, it's a big thing around here. The colors in autumn are devine, the vines turning from green to yellow to orange to a rusty red....

We are a "1-tent glamping", there is only one lodge and the distance to the main house (where we live) and our neighbours is such that our guest's privacy is secured. It is very spacious for 2 people (+ small child) and has all the facilities for private use, including your own spa. For info on the tariffs see next page, "THE LODGE" or send an email for enquiries or more pics through below button.
THE FRUITS: a daily portion of vitamines is also secured 100%, as we have more than 15 kinds of fruittrees on our plot, ready to be picked (before the birds grab their chance...). Loquats, figs, apricots, peach. cherry, apple, plums, grapes, oranges and tangerines in winter.... There is enough, so our stock of jams and cakefillings will not be under any threat.